We use United States Post Service (USPS) to ship Internationally.
The following table shows an estimate (excluding processing time) of the international shipping time and cost with USPS:
International (Outside United States)
10-12 Days
6-10 Days
3-5 Days

- Most orders are shipped within 2-5 business day, but most of the time they’re shipped within 48 hours.
- Please understand we have no control of any delays with your shipment due to severe weather conditions or service interruptions.
- Please contact us within 7 working days if you do not receive your order within the stated delivery time-frame.
- In some cases, a tracking number for the order may keep track of your order until it leaves United States. At that point no more tracking information may shown until your order arrives at its destination. You may want to check with your local post office for additional information.
- More specific shipping information for your city and country can be found during checkout. Flat rate may not be available in some countries due to customs fees. Express shipping fee options will be presented on those cases.
International Orders Duties and Taxes
Duties and taxes may or may not be due upon delivery, since they’re determined by your country’s local customs agencies. Charges are not always necessarily applicable since the assessment from the agencies for duties and taxes will depend on the value of the order and also the tax-free threshold for goods imported into the destination country. Payment of any of these taxes and duties are responsibility of the recipient. For more information, please contact your local customs office.